home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //place info_waypoints with $targetname spawner and #set X
- // place info_waypoint/info_pathnode paths/indivudal nodes with $targetname spawned_path and #set X
- // call "thread global/spawn_enemy.scr::Spawner_INIT" at the start of your script
- // to spawn call "thread global/spawn_enemy.scr::runner_spawner X" where X is the number of the set
- //////////////////////////////////
- runto_player_spawner local.set local.type local.variable local.type_idle:
- if (local.variable != NIL)
- {
- level.living_guys[local.variable] ++
- level.total_guys[local.variable] ++
- }
- level.tempnum++
- local.name = "spawned_guy" + level.tempnum
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.spawners+1;local.i++)
- {
- if( level.spawner[local.i].set == local.set)
- {
- local.spawner = level.spawner[local.i].origin
- }
- }
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.spawned_paths+1;local.i++)
- {
- if(level.spawned_path[local.i].set == local.set)
- {
- local.spawned_path = level.spawned_path[local.i].origin
- }
- }
- if (local.type == "NIL")
- local.type = 4
- switch (local.type)
- {
- case 1:
- local.enemy_type = "models/human/german_afrika_private"
- break
- case 2:
- local.enemy_type = "models/human/german_winter_type1"
- break
- case 3:
- local.enemy_type = "models/human/german_wehrmact_officer"
- break
- case 4:
- local.enemy_type = "models/human/german_wehrmact_soldier"
- break
- default:
- local.enemy_type = "models/human/german_wehrmact_soldier"
- break
- }
- if (randomint (4) == 1)
- local.grenades = 4
- else
- local.grenades = 0
- if (randomint (3) == 1)
- local.gun = "MP40"
- else
- local.gun = "Mauser KAR 98K"
- if (local.type_idle == "idle")
- local.not_run = 1
- if (local.type_idle != "runner")
- local.type_idle = "idle"
- local.maxdist = (160 + randomint (600))
- spawn local.enemy_type "targetname" local.name "type_idle" local.type_idle "patrolpath" local.spawned_path "type_attack" "turret" "leash" "10000" "maxdist" local.maxdist "mindist" "128" "ammo_grenade" local.grenades "gun" local.gun
- local.name.origin = local.spawner
- if ((local.type_idle != "runner") && (local.not_run != 1))
- {
- local.name thread runto_player 160
- }
- if (local.variable != NIL) $(local.name) thread wait_till_dead local.variable
- end
- //////////////////////////////////
- idle_spawner local.set local.type local.variable:
- local.type_idle = "idle"
- thread runto_player_spawner local.set local.type local.variable local.type_idle
- end
- //////////////////////////////////
- runner_spawner local.set local.type local.variable:
- local.type_idle = "runner"
- thread runto_player_spawner local.set local.type local.variable local.type_idle
- end
- ////////////////////////
- runto_player local.distance:
- while (IsAlive self && ((vector_length($player.origin - self.origin)) > local.distance))
- {
- self exec global/runto.scr $player.origin
- wait .2
- }
- end
- ///////////////////
- wait_till_dead local.variable:
- self waittill death
- level.living_guys[local.variable] -= 1
- end
- /////////////////////////////////////
- Spawner_INIT:
- if ($spawner == NULL)
- level.spawners = 0
- else
- level.spawners = $spawner.size
- if (level.spawners > 0)
- {
- level.spawner = thread global/makearray.scr::main $spawner
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.spawners+1;local.i++)
- {
- if (level.spawner[local.i].set == NIL)
- println "Error, spawner has no #set"
- else
- println ("Spawned spawner " + level.spawner[local.i].set)
- }
- }
- if ($spawned_path == NULL)
- level.spawned_paths = 0
- else
- level.spawned_paths = $spawned_path.size
- if (level.spawned_paths > 0)
- {
- level.spawned_path = thread global/makearray.scr::main $spawned_path
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.spawned_paths+1;local.i++)
- {
- if (level.spawned_path[local.i].set == NIL)
- println "Error, spawned_path has no #set"
- else
- println ("Spawned spawned_path " + level.spawned_path[local.i].set)
- }
- }
- end
- tracker_INIT local.variable:
- level.total_guys[local.variable] = 0
- level.living_guys[local.variable] = 0
- end
- make_array local.object:
- if (local.object.size > 1)
- {
- end local.object
- }
- else if (local.object.size == 1)
- {
- local.array[1] = local.object
- end local.array
- }
- else
- {
- println "Error in make_array for '" local.object.targetname "'"
- }
- end